Bid opening results

Find results for recent highway, ferry terminal and facility bids including preliminary bid results, verified bid results, subcontractor information and business use.

Disclaimer: preliminary bid results are provided as a convenience to contractors for informational purposes, but should be used for reference only as bids are manually reviewed for mathematical accuracy.

If a change has been made to a contractors bid amount or bid position after review, it will be marked with two asterisks.**

  • Preliminary bid total results: (the numbers read publicly directly from submitted bids during bid opening) are posted immediately after the close of bid opening.
  • Verified bid total results: mathematically corrected bid numbers along with subcontractors named and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, Small Business Enterprise and Veteran-Owned Business information.

4/10/2024 bid opening - Olympia, WA

Item no. 1: SR 520, Floating Bridge and Approaches Bridge Decks and Soffit Sealer

Contract number: XE3516
Engineer's estimate: base + A1 + A2 $5,068,305.00
Funds available: $4,800,000.00
Number of addenda: 3
Number of bidders: 4/2
Award status: pending

Preliminary bid total results

Apparent low: base + A1 + A2 - Combined Construction, Inc. - $1,889,945.00
Apparent second: base + A1 + A2 - C. A. Carey Corporation - $4,998,809.00

Verified bid total results

Low bidder: Combined Construction, Inc.
Bid amount base + A1 + A2: $1,889,945.00

Subcontractor named

  1. Self perform
    Description of work: rebar installation, structural steel installation

Small business enterprise (SBE)

  1. Hughes Group, LLC - sub - $67,000.00
    Description of work: traffic control
  2. Caskan, Inc. dba Prime Ops - sub - $28,000.00
    Description of work: traffic control - security

SBE goal: $94,497.25‬
SBE total: $95,000.00

Veteran-owned business (VOB)

  1. Hughes Group, LLC - sub - $38,000.00
    Description of work: traffic control

VOB goal: $37,798.9‬0
VOB total: $38,000.00

Second bidder: C. A. Carey Corporation
Bid amount base + A1 + A2: $4,998,809.00

Subcontractor named

  1. None proposed
    Description of work: none proposed

Small business enterprise (SBE)

  1. T&T Traffic Control, LLC - sub - $300,000.00
    Description of work: traffic control

SBE goal: $249,940.45
SBE total: $300,000.00

Veteran-owned business (VOB)

  1. C&J Contracting Services - sub - $57,600.00
    Description of work: ESC lead
  2. Waterline Construction Services - sub - $60,000.00
    Description of work: platform

VOB goal: $99,976.18‬
VOB total: $117,600.00

4/3/2024 bid opening - Olympia, WA

Item no. 1: NSC Spokane River to Columbia Phase 2

Contract number: XE3523
Engineer's estimate: $3,458,504.10
Number of addenda: 3
Number of bidders: 2/2
Award status: awarded 4/17/2024

Preliminary bid total results

Apparent low: Acme Concrete Paving, Inc. - $3,525,000.00
Apparent second: Cameron-Reilly, LLC - $3,702,299.00

Verified bid total results

Low bidder: Acme Concrete Paving, Inc.
Bid amount: $3,525,000.00

Subcontractor named

  1. Midland Electric
    Description of work: item 43, sign bridge no. 1, item 44, ITS no.1 revisions

Small business enterprise (SBE)

  1. Spokane Traffic Control - sub - $200,000.00
    Description of work: temp traffic control (labor)

SBE goal: $176,250.00
SBE total: $200,000.00

Veteran-owned business (VOB)

  1. Acme Concrete Paving, Inc. - prime - $1,000,000.00
    Description of work: cement concrete paving

VOB goal: $70,500‬.00
VOB total: $1,000,000.00

Second bidder: Cameron-Reilly, LLC
Bid amount: $3,702,299.00

Subcontractor named

  1. Versatile
    Description of work: rebar installation
  2. Power City Electric
    Description of work: electrical
  3. Power City Electric
    Description of work: structural steel installation

Small business enterprise (SBE)

  1. North Star Enterprises - sub - $77,000.00
    Description of work: traffic control services
  2. North Star Enterprises - sub - $3,680.00
    Description of work: joint adhesive
  3. North Star Enterprises - sub - $2,300.00
    Description of work: erosion control
  4. Rhodes Crane & Rigging - sub - $14,000.00
    Description of work: craning services
  5. Versatile Drilling Contract - sub - $92,300.00
    Description of work: drilled shafts

SBE goal: $185,114.95
SBE total: $189,280.00

Veteran-owned business (VOB)

  1. Thompson Metal Fab - manufacturer/supplier - $95,000.00
    Description of work: sign bridge manufacturer

VOB goal: $74,045.98‬
VOB total: $95,000.00

Item no. 2: 2024 CW Branch SR 904 Betz Rd Crossing - PCC

Contract number: XE3525
Engineer's estimate: $2,238,207.69
Number of addenda: 1
Number of bidders: 2/2
Award status: awarded 4/24/2024

Preliminary bid total results

Apparent low: Railworks Track Systems, LLC - $2,124,994.00
Apparent second: Halme Construction, Inc. - $3,498,422.70

Verified bid total results

Low bidder: Railworks Track Systems, LLC
Bid amount: $2,124,994.00

Subcontractor named

  1. None proposed
    Description of work: none proposed

Small business enterprise (SBE)

  1. Combat Action Construction, LLC - sub - $16,410.00
    Description of work: partial
  2. Combat Action Construction, LLC - sub - $29,430.00
    Description of work: demo
  3. Combat Action Construction, LLC - sub - $14,715.00
    Description of work: demo
  4. Combat Action Construction, LLC - sub - $14,715.00
    Description of work: demo
  5. Combat Action Construction, LLC - sub - $5,000.00
    Description of work: excavate/haul
  6. Combat Action Construction, LLC - sub - $15,000.00
    Description of work: partial - install
  7. Combat Action Construction, LLC - sub - $17,576.25
    Description of work: partial - prep/grade
  8. Combat Action Construction, LLC - sub - $17,576.25
    Description of work: partial - prep/grade
  9. Combat Action Construction, LLC - sub - $17,576.25
    Description of work: partial - prep/grade
  10. Combat Action Construction, LLC - sub - $17,576.25
    Description of work: partial - prep/grade
  11. Spokane Traffic Control - sub - $1,850.00
    Description of work: partial
  12. Spokane Traffic Control - sub - $4,000.00
    Description of work: repair
  13. Spokane Traffic Control - sub - $23,500.00
    Description of work: traffic control
  14. Spokane Traffic Control - sub - $27,748.00
    Description of work: construct
  15. O'Bunco Engineering International, Inc. - sub - $9,335.00
    Description of work: survey

SBE goal: $106,249.7‬0
SBE total: $232,008.00

Veteran-owned business (VOB)

  1. Wm. Winkler, Co. - sub - $3,500.00
    Description of work: partial
  2. Wm. Winkler, Co. - sub - $2,068.98
    Description of work: partial construct
  3. Wm. Winkler, Co. - sub - $2,474.31
    Description of work: partial construct
  4. Wm. Winkler, Co. - sub - $3,519.83
    Description of work: partial construct
  5. Wm. Winkler, Co. - sub - $1,457.28
    Description of work: construct
  6. Wm. Winkler, Co. - sub - $1,489.87
    Description of work: survey
  7. Columbia Basin Striping, LLC - sub - $6,000.00
    Description of work: partial
  8. Columbia Basin Striping, LLC - sub - $1,175.00
    Description of work: demo
  9. Columbia Basin Striping, LLC - sub - $13,200.00
    Description of work: demo
  10. Columbia Basin Striping, LLC - sub - $4,400.00
    Description of work: demo
  11. Columbia Basin Striping, LLC - sub - $6,555.00
    Description of work: construct
  12. Columbia Basin Striping, LLC - sub - $4,400.00
    Description of work: construct
  13. Columbia Basin Striping, LLC - sub - $1,880.00
    Description of work: construct
  14. Columbia Basin Striping, LLC - sub - $9,600.00
    Description of work: construct
  15. Columbia Basin Striping, LLC - sub - $7,200.00
    Description of work: construct
  16. Columbia Basin Striping, LLC - sub - $2,880.00
    Description of work: construct

VOB goal: $42,499.88
VOB total: $71,800.27

Second bidder: Halme Construction, Inc.
Bid amount: $3,498,422.70

Subcontractor named

  1. None proposed
    Description of work: none proposed 

Small business enterprise (SBE)

  1. Obunco Engineering - sub - $14,540.00
    Description of work: surveying
  2. North Star Enterprises - sub - $94,000.00
    Description of work: traffic control
  3. All Power Trucking & Construction - sub - $66,500.00
    Description of work: trucking

SBE goal: $174,921.14
SBE total: $175,040.00

Veteran-owned business (VOB)

  1. WM. Winkler - sub - $14,510.00
    Description of work: concrete work
  2. Columbia Basin Striping - sub - $57,290.00
    Description of work: striping

VOB goal: $69,968.45
VOB total: $71,800.00

Find results for past highway, ferry terminal and facility bids including preliminary bid results, verified bid results, subcontractor information and business utilization commitments. This archive contains all records from the past year.

Slow down – lives are on the line. 

In 2023, speeding continued to be a top reason for work zone crashes.

Even one life lost is too many.

Fatal work zone crashes doubled in 2023 - Washington had 10 fatal work zone crashes on state roads.

It's in EVERYONE’S best interest.

95% of people hurt in work zones are drivers, their passengers or passing pedestrians, not just our road crews.