Operations at http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/Traffic/api/HighwayAlerts/HighwayAlertsREST.svc

This page describes the service operations at this endpoint.

Uri Method Description
GetAlertAsJson GET Search for a single alert in JSON format
GetAlertAsXml GET Search for a single alert in XML format
GetAlertsAsJson GET Current traffic alerts in JSON format
GetAlertsAsXml GET Current traffic alerts in XML format
GetAlertsByMapAreaAsJson GET Current traffic alerts limited to a specific map area in JSON format
GetAlertsByMapAreaAsXml GET Current traffic alerts limited to a specific map area in XML format
GetAlertsByRegionIDAsJson GET Retrieve alerts for a specific WSDOT region
GetEventCategoriesAsJson GET List of Categories used by alerts in JSON format
GetEventCategoriesAsXml GET List of Categories used by alerts in XML format
GetMapAreasAsJson GET List of available map areas in JSON format
GetMapAreasAsXml GET List of available map areas in XML format
SearchAlertsAsJson GET Search for alerts for a specified time and route in JSON format
SearchAlertsAsXml GET Search for alerts for a specified time and route in XML format